How do I apply for an open role?


How do I apply for an open role?


If you see a role on the EH Work Jobs page you like, you can use the Apply Now feature to send through an application for the role.

Apply for a role
  1. Login into your EH Work Jobs account.
  2. Click the Job Search tab.
  3. Use the following fields to refine the display:
    • Industry.
    • Work type.
    • On-site/remote.
    • Experience level.
    • Date posted.
  4. Click on the role that interests you.Screenshot
  5. Click the Apply Now button.Screenshot
  6. Complete the required Profile fields.
  7. Click the Consent tick box.
  8. Click the Submit Application buttonScreenshot
Apply for a role as a guest user
  1. Go to the EH Work Jobs website.
  2. Click the Job Search tab.
    screenshot of the EH Workjobs page, highlighting the job search button
  3. Click the role you are interested in.
  4. Click the Apply Now button.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now be taken to the sign up page.

    screenshot of a role in job search, highlighting the apply now button
  5. Enter the following:
    • First name.
    • Last name.
    • Email.
    • Country.
    • Password.
    • Confirm password.
  6. Click the checkboxes if you:
    • Agree to our terms and conditions.
    • Consent to receiving marketing communications, promotions, and content from us.
  7. Click the I am Not a Robot checkbox.
  8. Click the Register button.

    Helpful Hint

    After successfully registering for a EH Work account, we will take you back to the original job role you wanted ‌to apply for.

    screenshot of the sign up page, highlighting the i am not a robot checkbox and the register button
  9. Enter the required details.
  10. Click the I Am Not a Robot checkbox.
  11. Click the Submit Application button.
    screenshot of the job application page, highlighting the not a robot checkbox and submit application
Apply for a role on mobile
  1. Login into your EH Work Jobs account on your phone.
  2. Enter the search parameters, including:
    • Job title.
    • Location
    • Search radius.
  3. Click Find jobs.
  4. Scroll down the screen to see the results.
  5. Click on a job that interests you.
  6. After reading the job description and information, click Apply now.
    EH Workjob apply for role
  7. Input your personal details.
  8. Click Submit application.

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