Which type of Employment Hero account do I have?

There are two types of Employment Hero Work accounts with access to different features. You either have an HR and Payroll account or a Payroll-only account.

This article contains:

Find your account type

Walkthrough: How do I find out my account type?
What does an HR account look like?
1. From your homepage, click Work.
Image of a homepage with work button highlighted
2. If you see a header with notifications, callouts and events, you have an HR and Payroll account

Screenshot of an employee's work screen with header highlighted

What does a Payroll-only account look like?
  1. From your homepage, click Work.
    Image of a homepage with work button highlighted
  2. If you see a header with Timesheets, you have a Payroll-only account.
    Image 2 of an employee's work screen with the header highlighted

What to do if you are missing features

What do I do if I am missing features?

If you have identified your account type, but are missing features and icons, please see this article for assistance.

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