How do I give feedback or report a bug?

Encountered a bug while using the EH Work app? We would appreciate hearing about it. Reporting bugs helps us improve the app for everyone. This article runs you through how to report a bug.

Equally, it would be great to hear what you love about the app. You can give us feedback that can help shape the future of the app.

How to give feedback or report a bug

How to report a bug
  1. Open the EH Work app on your device.
  2. Tap on the Profile icon at the screen's top right corner. This will take you to your profile page.
  3. Tap on Need Help? to access the support menu.
  4. Tap on Report a Bug to open the bug report form.
  5. Fill out the bug report form with as much detail as possible.
    Report a bug with Submit highlighted
How to give feedback about the app
  1. Open the EH Work app on your device.
  2. Tap on the Profile icon at the screen's bottom right corner. This will take you to your profile page.
    Homepage with icon highlighted
  3. Tap on Need Help? to access the support menu.
    My profile page with Need Help highlighted
  4. Tap on Share your feedback.
  5. Choose whether you are enjoying the app or not.
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