Manage rosters as a manager or admin on Employment Hero Work

For manager and admin users of the Rosters feature in Employment Hero Work, you will be able to access your own personal roster as well as the rosters for your staff members. 

Managing Rosters

Access My Shifts
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Tap on Rosters along the top bar.
    Screenshot of where to tap on rosters
  4. Tap on My Shift.
    Screenshot of where to tap on rosters

    Helpful Hint

    If you do not see My Shift, tap on the single person icon on the left-hand side of the screen. This will take you to My Shift.

  5. Tap on All or Assigned to see your shifts.
    Screenshot of where to tap on rosters
Access Roster Management
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Tap on Rosters along the top bar.
    Screenshot of where to tap on rosters
  4. Tap on Roster Management.
    Screenshot of where to tap on roster management to view the team roster

    Helpful Hint

    If you do not see Roster Management, tap on the 3-person icon on the right-hand side of the screen. This will take you to Roster Management.

  5. Select whether you would like to see the shift costs per employee by tapping the toggle to the right.
    Screenshot of where to tap on the toggle to turn on shift costs
  6. Here you will see Roster Management. This will display all of the published shifts for your staff.
    Screenshot of where to tap on the toggle to turn on shift costs
Manage Unavailability

Roster management is only visible if you are using the payroll platform rostering AND you are logged in to the payroll version of EH Work. If you use the HR platform or have the HR PY Experience in-app Beta experience activated, you cannot use this feature. To check which plan you are on, see this article.

  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Tap on Rosters along the top bar.
    Screenshot of where to tap on rosters
  4. Tap on Roster Management.
    Screenshot of where to tap on roster management to view the team roster

    Helpful Hint

    If you do not see Roster Management, tap on the 3-person icon on the right-hand side of the screen. This will take you to Roster Management.

  5. Tap on + Add Unavailability.
    Screenshot of where to tap on the toggle to turn on shift costs
  6. Add the following details:
    • Employee
    • On an ongoing basis (toggle on or off)
    • Date
    • All day (toggle on or off)
    • Reason
  7. Tap Save.
    Screenshot of where to tap on save


Please note that in Employment Hero Work, you are only able to view published shifts and manage your unavailability. If you need to edit shifts, then you can do this by going to your payroll web platform.

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