Redeeming Hero Points FAQ via Money

The below article will answer frequently-asked questions about how to redeem Hero Points. Hero Points are a reward and recognition feature for employers to reward their employees. You can spend Hero Points in the Employment Hero Work Store on gift cards or on everyday purchases using a Swag Spend Mastercard Debit card. They can be used for the Recognition feature in the Company Feed, or for small bonuses for birthdays or work anniversaries.



  Where can I spend my Hero Points?  

You can spend your well-earned Hero Points in the Employment Hero Work Store in the Employment Hero portal or the Employment Hero Work app. You can also spend Hero Points using your Swag Spend Mastercard debit card at any merchant.

  Do I need money in my Swag Spend account before I can redeem my Hero Points?  

Yes, you will need to make a transaction using your Swag Mastercard Debit card for it to then be redeemed using your Hero Points. Once the transaction is settled (typically within 48 hours), your Hero Points will be redeemed and you will be reimbursed for the transaction.

  What are Hero Points?  

Hero Points are the new way to get rewarded and recognised. We have replaced Hero Dollars with a points-based system. Rest assured, you can continue to spend Hero Points in the Employment Hero Work Store and on a Swag Mastercard Debit card.

  I am currently implementing Employment Hero - what will happen to my Guided HR Implementation Credit?  

The Guided HR Implementation Credit will be issued in the form of Hero Points for UK organisations. The value of the credit will remain the same - customers will receive 5208 Hero Points for meeting certain milestones as part of their customer journey outlined here.

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