Manage when you receive Employment Hero Work notifications

In the Employment Hero Work app, you can choose when you receive push and in-app Employment Hero Work notifications.

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How to access your notification settings

How do I choose when I receive Employment Hero Work notifications?
  1. Log in to the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the profile picture or your initials in the top right-hand corner.
    Screenshot of where to tap on your profile picture or initials in the top right hand corner of the screen
  3. Tap on Settings.
    Screenshot of where to tap settings to access notification settings
  4. Tap on Notification Settings.
    Screenshot of where to tap notification settings to access notification settings
  5. Under the Send me notifications only subheading, choose the following:
    • Start - the time you would like to begin receiving notifications
    • End - the time you would like to stop receiving notifications
    • Allow notifications - the days you would like to receive notifications.
  6. Tap Save.
    Screenshot of where to tap save to save your notification settings
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