How do I use timesheets?

The Timesheets feature lets you submit your work hours, breaks, and other details for your shifts. You can add, edit, or delete entries as needed, making it easy to manage your timesheets.

This article explains how to:

Submit a timesheet

How do I submit a timesheet?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the Home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted
  4. Tap the Add button.
    Timesheets page with Add button highlighted
  5. Tap the New timesheet button.
    Add button page with New timesheet highlighted
  6. Complete the following fields:
  • Work type.
  • Work award.
  • Location.
  • Date.
  • Start time.
  • End time.
  • Break start.
  • Break end.
  • Notes.
  • Tap the Add attachments button to add any supporting documents.
  • Tap the Apply this timesheet to  button to submit this entry across
    multiple dates.
    Add timesheet with fields highlighted
  • Tap the Submit button.
    Add timesheet with submit button highlighted

Helpful Hint

You can also add timesheets for advance hours in the future that you have not yet worked.

See your timesheets

How do I see my timesheets?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted
  4. Tap the timesheet you want to view.
    Timesheets with a submitted timesheet highlighted
  5. You will now see your timesheet on your screen. It will look different depending on its status: Approved

Edit, copy or delete a timesheet

How do I edit a timesheet?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted
  4. Tap the timesheet that needs editing. You can only edit timesheets that have not yet been approved.
    Timesheets with a submitted timesheet highlighted
  5. You can edit the following fields:
  • Work type
  • Location
  • Date
  • Start time
  • End time
  • Break start
  • Break end
  • Notes.
  1. Make the required changes and tap Submit.
    Edit timesheet screen with submit highlighted
How do I copy a timesheet?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted
  4. Tap the Add button.
    Timesheets page with Add button highlighted
  5. Tap the Copy from last week button.
    add timesheet with copy shift highlighted
  6. You will be shown any drafts you have.
  7. Tap the Submit Drafts button.
    Deaft timesheet screen with submit 1 draft highlighted
  8. You can also Discard any unneeded drafts.
How do I delete a timesheet?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work app.
  2. Tap the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted
  4. Tap the timesheet that needs deleting. You can only delete timesheets that have not yet been approved.
    Timesheets with a submitted timesheet highlighted
  5. Tap the Delete this Timesheet button.
    edit timesheet with delete highlighted
  6. Tap Yes Delete Timesheet.

Add annual leave to a timesheet

How do I add annual leave to a timesheet?
  1. Log into the Employment Hero Work application.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
  3. Select Timesheets from the menu across the top of the Work home screen view.
    Screenshot of Work page with Timesheets Highlighted.jpg
  4. Tap the Add button.
    Timesheets page with Add button highlighted.jpg
  5. If you have a confirmed leave request, you will have the option to add this into your timesheet. Tap on the leave request.
  6. Enter your leave type, leave period, leave amount, date, and start and end times, then tap Submit.
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