How do I see my shifts via Work HR

Employees can use the Rosters feature in Work to see assigned shifts and their details. You will be notified via email when you get assigned a shift, and clicking the "here" link in that email takes you directly to Rosters in the EH Work app.

Managing Rosters

View assigned shifts
  1. Log into the EH Work app.
  2. Tap on the Work icon.
    screenshot of the swag dashboard, highlighting the work button
  3. Tap on Rosters along the top bar.
    screenshot of the rosters page, highlighting rosters

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see your assigned shifts.

  4. Tap on the shift whose details you want to view.
    screenshot of the rosters page, highlighting a shift

    Helpful Hint

    You can now see the details of this shift.

    screenshot showing the details of a shift
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