Managing my certifications on my Employment Hero Jobs profile

We made the application process easier for both the prospective employee and the recruiter by letting you upload the needed certificates and qualifications during the application process. You can also use this feature to edit and delete any of those certifications you upload to your profile.

Getting started

Add a certificate and/or licence
  1. Login into your Employment Hero Jobs account.
  2. Click the profile menu.
  3. Click the   button in the Certificates and Licences section. 
  4. Click or drag the required documents onto the Upload tile.
  5. Click the Save button.

Editing data

Edit a certification
  1. Login into your Employment Hero Jobs account.
  2. Click the profile menu.
  3. Click the   button next to the certificate you wish to edit.
  4. Make the required changes and click the Save button.

Removing data

Delete a certification
  1. Login into your Employment Hero Jobs account.
  2. Click the profile menu.
  3. Click on the   button next to the certificate you wish to delete. Screenshot
  4. Click the Delete button. Screenshot

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