View and download my payslips on Employment Hero Work

In Employment Hero Work you can view and download PDF versions of your payslips for your records, as well as share them at any time. This article shows you how to complete these actions.

Access my payslip

How do I view and download my payslip?
  1. Open the Employment Hero Work App
  2. Tap on Work.
  3. From the Work home view, scroll the top menu to the left until you see Payslips.
    Screenshot of the work seection in swag, highlighting where to tap on payslips
  4. The Payslips view shows you your payslips, sorted by most recent.
  5. Tap on the payslip ‌you want to view.
  6. This displays the payslip as a PDF. To share by email or to save to your device, tap Share.
  7. The payslip will automatically download.
  8. Go to your download manager on your device to locate the payslip and then Share.


To change the email address to which your payslip is sent, please contact your employer directly. They will assist you in updating your details.

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  • Just send me my pay slips like you did before it was ezey


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