How to access your notifications in the EH Work App for HR users

Staying updated with notifications in the EH Work app ensures you never miss important updates or opportunities. Here is a simple guide on how to access and manage your notifications.


  1. Begin by launching the EH Work app on your device.
  2. Enter your login credentials if you are not already logged in.
  3. Once logged in, tap on the Work icon.
  4. Look for the bell icon along the top bar of the Work section.
  5. If there is a red dot next to the bell icon, this indicates that you have new notifications.
  6. Tapping the bell will open a new page listing all your notifications.
  7. This list includes all recent activities, updates, or messages that require your attention.
  8. To find out more about a specific notification, tap on the message.
  9. This will either show your more details or take you to a related page within the app,

Managing notifications

While the EH Work app does not currently support bulk marking notifications as read, you can manage notifications individually by opening them. Once a notification is viewed, it is typically marked as read.

Tips for success

  1. Regulat Checks: Make a habit of checking your notifications regularly to stay on top of any important updates or actions required on your part.
  2. Immediate Action: When you receive a notification that requires action, try to address it as soon as possible to maintain efficiency and responsiveness.
  3. Notification Settings: If you find that you are receiving too many notifications, explore the app’s settings to adjust the types of notifications you receive. 
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