How do I add or delete my Pay Split bank accounts?

Pay Split is a feature that lets you receive payments in more than one account based on a split percentage or amount. For example, you can use Pay Split to ensure the majority of your income lands in Bank Account A, while the remaining minority of it lands in Bank Account B.

If you have Pay Split, you just need to log in to the web platform to add or delete your bank accounts. You can then change the amount you send to each account either on your EH Work app or by using the web platform.

Here, we focus on the latter and discuss how you can use it to both add and delete your Pay Split bank accounts. And the process is simple: just click the following two questions (or scroll down the page) to be taken straight to the answers!

How do I add my bank account details to Pay Split?

Adding bank account details to Pay Split
  1. Log into your Employment Hero account (currently, you cannot add a bank account in the EH Work app itself).
  2. Click People on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Click Profile.

    Screenshot of homepage with profile highlighted

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