Do I qualify for a Swag Spend Account? | Money

When signing up for a Swag Spend account, there are certain criteria that you need to meet to be considered eligible when opening a Swag Spend account.

  1. Australian Citizen

    If you are an Australian citizen, over the age of 16, have a valid Australian passport or driver's licence, and have downloaded the Employment Hero Work app, you are eligible to sign up for a Swag Spend account.

  2. Australian Permanent Resident

    If you are an Australian permanent resident, over the age of 16, have a valid Australian passport or driver's licence, and have downloaded the Employment Hero Work app, you are eligible to sign up for a Swag Spend account.

Why can I only verify my ID with an Australian driver's licence or Australian passport?

Australian drivers licence or Australian passport verification

As Swag Spend is a new product, we only accept Australian drivers licences and Australian passports. We will change as we further develop the product and we look forward to adding more identification types in the future.

Helpful Hint

You may use an expired passport that is no more than two years past its expiry date, as per AUSTRAC.

Why do I not qualify for a Swag Spend account?

There are a few reasons this may have occurred.

You are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

At this stage, only an Australian citizen or permanent resident can create a Swag Spend Account. An Australian resident is considered someone who can stay in Australia as a citizen or permanent resident.

You are not 16 or over
Swag Spend applicants need to be 16 years or older to be eligible for a Swag Spend Account.
Your address or passport details do not match
You will need to input your full name (including initials if displayed on your identity document), address, date of birth and passport number exactly as it appears on the document, as this is important for the verification process. If not input exactly, your Swag Spend application will be rejected.

Be mindful of abbreviations (e.g. St. instead of street, Rd instead of road) as this is a common cause of our internal verification systems being unable to match your data, which will cause your application to fail.

If your ID has a middle name, ensure you write your middle name/s exactly as it appears on your ID. This might be just the middle initial, or all of your middle names. If this does not match your ID exactly, then our verification platform will not be able to identify you, and your application will fail.

This process is also case-sensitive, so be sure to match the case exactly as appears on your ID.  
What if I am still having problems?

If you have captured all your verification information exactly as it appears on either your passport or driver’s licence, and you have met the eligibility criteria, get in touch with our Swag Spend Support Team using the General Enquiry form in the Support section in the Wallet side of the app we will get back to you during business hours.

To seek further help, contact the support team via this link. 


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