How to manage candidates in app as an EH Jobs hirer

The EH Work platform makes it easy to manage job applications from candidates, review their profiles, and communicate seamlessly.


  1. Log into your EH Work app.
  2. Tap the Job Seekers tab to see the available candidates.
  3. You can swipe through and view each candidate's video intro, availability and skills.
  4. Tap the Heart button to favourite a candidate.
  5. Tap the Thumbs Down button to reject a candidate.
  6. If any details are missing, tap the Ask for Details button.
  7. To initiate contact, tap the Send a Message button and type your reply.
  8. When you click send, it will be relayed to the candidate through the EH Jobs app.
  9. To respond to a candidate's follow-up message, tap the Favourites tab.
  10. You will see all your messages and can reply to a candidate's response from here.

Automated status updates for candidate applications

The EH Work platform simplifies hiring by automating updates to application statuses. Allowing you and the candidate to track progress efficiently.

  • In Progress: When you send a message to the job seeker, their application status will automatically update to In Progress to show ongoing communication.
  • Hired: If you decide to hire the candidate, you can manually update their status to Hired.
  • Rejected: If you choose not to proceed with the candidate, you can manually update their status to Rejected.

Reversing a Rejection

If you want to reconsider a rejected candidate, you can only reverse the status by directly messaging the job seeker again.

Key Benefits of the Process

  • Efficient Communication: Messages sent via EH Jobs are automatically sent, ensuring a smooth interaction between hirers and candidates.
  • Centralised Information: Candidate profiles, messages, and chat history are easily accessible, saving you time.
  • Flexibility: You can manage candidate communication both through the platform and your email inbox.
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